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Why is a Brow Lift important to rejuvenate the eyelids?

Why is a Brow Lift important to rejuvenate the eyelids?

So the eyelids are not separated from the brow, as we age, we lose volume around the brows and on the upper eyelid and also the tissue sags a little bit, depending on the patient’s anatomy. So when we rejuvenate the eye and we have excess skin on top of the lids, sometimes, or most of the time, we also have a little dissent, a little droopiness of the brow. So when we remove that skin and we just improve the brow shape, not by lifting and making it as startled or super high, but just by opening the side of the brow to create this lift and this visual impact of rejuvenation that is actually very powerful for the whole eyelid rejuvenation. So it’s a very common combination to do this temple lift, which is just a lateral brow that actually opens up to the side, we usually put some fat grafting there as well, and then we remove the skin around the eyelids, the excess, the really, just what is excessive. Because we don’t want to hollow out an eyelid, that doesn’t look good, that looks operated. So that’s why we combine a few procedures to make the whole thing look harmonious and refreshed.

For more, visit our Brow Lift page or just call us at (404) 850-5851.

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Gabriele Miotto
☎️ (404) 850-5851
📍 Atlanta, GA