When can I go back to school or work after a Rhinoplasty?

When can I go back to school or work after a Rhinoplasty?
So after a rhinoplasty, patients can go back to school or to work, usually a week afterwards. The first week after a rhinoplasty, we have sutures and we have a cast on top of the nose, sometimes inside of the nose, and the patients get bruised, sometimes a little bit of swelling, so I would recommend that the patients take five to seven days off and then go back to normal activities once we remove the cast and the sutures, which happens at seven days after surgery.

For more, visit our Neck Lift page or call us at (404) 850-5851.

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Gabriele Miotto
☎️ (404) 850-5851
📍 Atlanta, GA
‭💻 drmiotto.com⁠⠀⁠

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