What is a Neck Lift?

As we age we lose tightness and smoothness in the neck. This is due to skin, muscle and ligament aging in the jawline and neck tissues. There is excess skin with or without excess fat which forms a “double chin” or a “turkey neck”. Our neck area is a very visible part of our appearance and an aging neck can make us feel self-conscious. Some may cover up the neck and try to hide the parts of the neck they don’t like.

Many of my patients want a long lasting and more permanent solution to improve their neck aging and jawline contouring. A neck lift is a surgical procedure with minimal scarring designed to remove excessive fatty deposits (“turkey neck”), tighten the neck muscles and muscle bands (platysma bands) and remove skin excess (“double chin”). In an isolated neck lift we treat the aging that happened in the neck only, without making changes to the cheeks or other facial areas.

Dr. Miotto


How much inflammation and bruising is present after a Neck Lift?


Neck Lift Before & Afters