Neck Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Atlanta, GA

As we age we lose tightness and smoothness in the neck. This is due to skin, muscle and ligament aging in the jawline and neck tissues. There is excess skin with or without excess fat which forms a “double chin” or a “turkey neck”. Our neck area is a very visible part of our appearance and an aging neck can make us feel self-conscious. Some may cover up the neck and try to hide the parts of the neck they don’t like. Many of my patients want a long lasting and more permanent solution to improve their neck aging and jawline contouring.

A neck lift is a surgical procedure with minimal scarring designed to remove excessive fatty deposits (“turkey neck”), tighten the neck muscles and muscle bands (platysma bands) and remove skin excess (“double chin”). In an isolated neck lift we treat the aging that happened in the neck only, without making changes to the cheeks or other facial areas.

Yes, it is absolutely possible to just have a neck lift without a complete facelift depending on the patient anatomy.

Dr. Gabriele Miotto, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon.

Once the signs of aging become visible in the lower face and neck, an individual may begin to look older than he or she actually is. However, a neck lift (aka cervicoplasty) at ME Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, can address the imperfections throughout the neck region. Men and women in the Atlanta area who have a double chin, loose muscles in the neck, neckbands or excess skin in this region should consider learning more about their cervicoplasty options at ME Plastic Surgery.

At ME Plastic Surgery, Dr. Gabriele Miotto performs vertical and traditional neck lift procedures. During a neck lift, Dr. Miotto can tighten the muscles in the neck, address banding, remove excess skin that wrinkles or sags, address the jowls that develop along the jawline and reduce a double-or-triple chin. Following a cervicoplasty at ME Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, patients enjoy a more youthful-looking neck region. Many of Dr. Gabriele Miotto’s neck lift patients state that they are more confident in their appearance, which has resulted in them feeling more comfortable around others.


Before and After Photos

Patient story

This is a lovely 47 yo patient who wanted to improve the double chin and jawline contouring. I performed a deep plane face and neck lift to reshape her face and neck.

After the procedure

A neck lift is an outpatient surgery done under general anesthesia. After the procedure, there will be visible fine skin sutures in the incisions, some bruising and swelling.

A neck lift surgery is not a painful procedure, but mild discomfort and feeling of tightness in the face and neck areas are expected for a few days to a few weeks after surgery. Bruising and swelling are usually the cause of the discomfort. However, it can be treated with preoperative and postoperative medication and supplementation, ice and anti-inflammatories.

Frequently combined procedures with a neck lift are a facelift, lip lift, blepharoplasty or eyelid lift, fat grafting to the face, browlift, skin resurfacing with a chemical peel to treat the skin aging, lip lift and others. There are many options for us to use to achieve the best results.

Sutures are removed between 7-10 days after the surgery. Return to normal daily activities between 2-3 weeks. Expect at least 8 weeks for committing to major social events as residual swelling can remain for some patients after surgery. We are all different, so it is hard to predict who will get more or less swelling and bruising.

General preoperative recommendations

What to avoid before surgery

  1. DO NOT take any aspirin for 7-10 days before your scheduled procedure. Do not take NSAIDS (Aleve, Motrin, Ibuprofen) for 5 days before surgery. You may take Tylenol (Acetaminophen) if needed for aches or pains. Please contact the office at if you have any questions about any medications that you are taking or if you are prescribed aspirin by your cardiologist or Primary Care Provider (PCP).
  2. Discontinue Vitamin E 10 days before surgery.
  3. Avoid the following herbal supplements for 10 days before surgery: Echinacea, Ephedra / Phentermine (used for weight loss), Feverfew, Fish Oils, Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, Goldenseal, Kava-Kava, Licorice, Saw Palmetto, St. John’s Wort and Valerian.
  4. Stop Smoking. The harmful effects of smoking can cause tissue death, infection, and open wounds. It also makes you age faster!
  5. Alcohol can promote swelling of the surgical area and it is best to avoid alcohol intake for at least one week before surgery.

What to take before surgery

  1. Dr Miotto will prescribe some supplements and medication to help speed up recovery after surgery and decrease discomfort during healing.

General postoperative recommendations

  1. You MUST have a responsible adult to transport you home and stay with you for a full twenty-four hours after your surgery. If general anesthesia is used, the medications used during the procedure directly affect the nervous system, and for your safety, we will not allow you to drive or be home alone immediately after surgery.
  2. You will be unable to drive if you are taking narcotics.
  3. It is common to feel sluggish for a few days as the anesthesia works its way out of your system.
  4. It is recommended to elevate the head with two to three pillows after all facial procedures.
  5. Your initial post-operative appointment will be scheduled by your Patient Care Coordinator; please make arrangements to have reliable transportation for these appointments as you will not be permitted to drive until twenty-four hours after your surgery and when you are no longer taking narcotic pain medications.

Postoperative recommendations following a neck lift

Following a cervicoplasty, patients may experience balance issues and poor judgement, which is why they must have a capable adult remain with them for at least 24 hours. In addition, since the patient receives general anesthesia, he or she must refrain from driving during this timeframe. Abiding by this restriction is essential because anesthesia could cause delayed reaction, which may result in an automobile collision. Furthermore, patients who are taking narcotic medication for the treatment of pain must also refrain from driving until they no longer need them.

Sluggishness for several days is common. This occurs because it takes some time for the anesthesia to exit the patient’s system.

Following any facial procedure, Dr. Gabriele Miotto recommends elevating the head. Patients can use two or three pillows to accomplish this.

On the day of surgery, the Patient Care Coordinator schedules the patient’s follow-up appointment. The coordinator usually schedules this appointment for the following day. Since patients are unable to drive for 24-hours, they require a reliable form of transportation.

Although patients must avoid activities that increase their blood pressure or heart rate for at least 14 days, patients should not be on bed rest. Instead, they must walk around at a normal pace. The act of walking, in and of itself, decreases the patient’s risk of developing blood clots, which can form following the use of general anesthesia.

Most patients can resume sexual activity 2 weeks after surgery. However, Dr. Miotto requests that her patients speak with her before moving forward with participation in these activities.


  1. For your safety, we require that you have a responsible adult stay with you for twenty-four hours after your surgery for general help, as you may find your balance and judgement impaired.
  2. Please refrain from physical activity that will increase your heart rate or blood pressure for 2 weeks after surgery. However, bed rest is NOT recommended, and you should be walking at normal pace after the procedure.
  3. Frequent walking will decrease the risk of post-operative blood clots (mostly after general anesthesia).
  4. Sexual activity can safely be resumed 2 weeks following surgery. Please discuss with Dr Miotto as needed.


  1. You can shower twenty-four hours after surgery. You may clean the incisions as instructed by Dr Miotto or her nurses after the procedure.
  2. Do not submerge yourself into a tub/pool until all wounds have healed (usually in 3 weeks).
  3. Do not scrub the surgical sites, however you can allow soapy water to run over them.
  4. Avoid lotions on the surgical sites for 2 weeks, but you can moisturize any other areas as desired.

Returning to work

  1. Recovery time will vary; however, most patients return to work within one to 2 weeks after the procedure, within one week you will have a feel for your specific limitations and will be able to determine how comfortable you will be with resuming your daily activities and workload.


  1. Immediately following surgery, it is best to eat bland, easily-digested food and avoid excess sugar and salt. Healthy proteins (eggs, lean meat, beans, nuts), rice, fruits and cooked vegetables (broccoli, peppers, sweet potatoes) will provide your body with nutrients essential for healing.
  2. Eat a few bites of food before taking pain medications as these can cause nausea.
  3. A diet low in sodium will help minimize swelling and water retention.
  4. Drink plenty of water! Drinking low sugar sports drinks and protein shakes are recommended.

Final results

  1. Keep in mind that our goal in aesthetic surgery is improvement and not perfection. You will be followed closely after surgery to assure that you heal well and have the best possible results.
  2. It can take months for the very final results of your surgery be apparent. After 12 weeks, you can expect your results to be mostly permanent. Expect subtle changes in swelling and healing (including the appearance of scarring) to continue to improve for up to twelve months.
  3. It is important for you to keep open communication with your physician and return for your follow up visits. We will take pre and post pictures along the way and look at the final results together.

Dr. Gabriele C. Miotto is a Brazillian-American plastic surgeon specialized in aesthetic surgery and minimally invasive procedures, specially of the face, eyes, nose, breast and liposuction. Call (404) 850-5851 for your consultation.

Neck lift surgery

While many people do everything they can to maintain their facial beauty, some neglect to realize the importance of maintaining the jawline, the chin, and the neck. Nonetheless, once the signs of aging begin to develop in these areas, a neck lift can address these issues. During a cervicoplasty (aka cervicoplasty) at ME Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, Dr. Gabriele Miotto and Dr. Felmont Eaves remove fat deposits, tighten the platysma bands and neck muscles, and remove excess skin. Following a neck lift, patients enjoy a rejuvenated jawline and a more youthful-looking neck.

Who should consider having a neck lift?

Healthy individuals with relatively good skin tone who feel self-conscious about the way their jawline and neck look and would like to address these issues may be good candidates for a cervicoplasty. A neck lift can take years off their appearance.


  • Excess fat on the neck and chin.
  • A double chin resulting from excess skin or fat in this area.
  • A ‘turkey wattle.’
  • Extra skin on the neck.
  • Horizontal neckbands.
  • Visible platysma bands
  • Jowls.

An isolated neck lift

When a patient chooses to have an isolated neck lift, the procedure is performed without addressing the facial aging and perioral sagging.

Surgical treatment plans

Each patient is unique, therefore, the recommendations made during the initial consultation depends on the anatomy and specific needs of a particular patient.

Procedures combinations

Many of the individuals who decide to have a cervicoplasty choose to have other procedures performed during the same surgical session. A cervicoplasty frequently includes reshaping of the neck muscle (platysma) with a platysmaplasty.

Some of the most common procedure combinations include a neck lift with

  • A lip lift – is used to modify the appearance of the lips by reshaping, shortening the space between the upper lip and the nose, addressing a long upper lip as well as down-turned corners of the mouth. When the face is at rest, down-turned corners make an individual look as if he or she is frowning. A lip lift also improves the upper teeth show, making the lips and mouth look younger.
  • An eyelid lift (aka blepharoplasty) – is performed to lift droopy eyelids and correct excess eyelid skin and muscle.
  • A mini facelift (aka mini-rhytidectomy, mini lift) – this procedure is a limited facial rejuvenation procedure ideal for some patients and addresses facial wrinkles, loose skin, and excess fat in the lower section of the face or midface.
  • Laser skin resurfacing – is designed to improve skin aging. It improves the texture of the skin and tighten the skin, thus, providing the patient with a more youthful-looking face. It also makes the skin increase collagen production.
  • Facial fat grafting – this procedure is used to add volume to the areas of the face that appear sunken in and hollow.
  • A chemical peel – smooths the skin quality, improves hyperpigmentation and fine lines and helps treat scars.
  • A brow lift (aka forehead lift or browplasty) – addresses the worry lines that run horizontally across the forehead and droopy brows. It can also be used to reshape the brows and open up the eyes.
  • A platysmaplasty – is a procedure designed to address the platysma muscles, which are the muscles responsible for the bands that develop in the neck. It is usually part of the necklift or cervicoplasty.
  • Subplatysmal surgery – this procedure is used to prevent residual fullness, which is accomplished through the resection of the submandibular glands, deep fat and digastric muscles. With this procedure, the surgeon can create the patient a well-contoured submental area. Having this procedure reduces the likelihood of the need for another neck-contouring procedure.
  • Liposuction – is used to address excess fat in the neck, under the chin, and beneath the jaw. By removing this fat, the double chin and the jowls are eliminated.

A complete facelift includes a neck lift

ME Plastic Surgery’s complete facelift addresses a variety of facial issues, as well as the visible signs of aging that develop on the neck.

A complete facelift includes

  • lifting the corners of the mouth and improving the deep wrinkles that have developed in the face.
  • a cervicoplasty, with a platysmaplasty (to address neck banding).
  • facial fat grafting may be used to add volume to the areas of the face that appear sunken in, as well as to improve highlights.

At ME Plastic Surgery, Dr. Miotto and Dr. Eaves use their experience to determine which procedures will provide a patient with the best possible results.

Neck Lift for Aging Signs

After the age of 40, the natural signs of aging usually begin to appear on the neck. These signs include a loosening of the skin, tissues, muscles, and ligaments of the neck, and loss of jawline contouring.

These changes may include

  • Horizontal banding – the muscle and ligament changes that occur with age can cause horizontal banding on the neck.
  • A turkey neck – the loose excess skin contributes to the development of a turkey neck
  • A double chin – even when an individual lacks excess fat beneath the jawline, the chin’s definition may diminish, resulting in a double chin.
  • Jowls – when the loose skin of the lower face sags and falls below the jawline, the patient develops jowls.

Aging Neck & Confidence

Since the neck is a highly visible part of the body, once the characteristics of aging develop, many people start to feel self-conscious. At ME Plastic Surgery, Dr. Gabriele Miotto and Dr. Felmont Eaves perform neck lifts and facelifts to improve an individual’s natural beauty, ensuring that the patient still looks like himself or herself once the procedures are complete. In addition, great care is taken to ensure the patient’s neck, face, eyes, and overall general appearance are harmonious.


With a cervicoplasty or neck lift, Dr. Miotto and Dr. Eaves restore the youthful traits in the neck that have been lost due to the natural aging process. The surgeons at ME Plastic Surgery Atlanta also perform a platysmaplasty to adjust and reshape the platysma muscle, remove fatty tissue, tighten loose skin, and provide definition between the patient’s jawline, and neck. These changes can take years off an individual’s appearance.

These changes include

  • More taut skin on the face.
  • Improved facial harmony.
  • Reduced lines and wrinkles on the neck.
  • A more contoured chin, jawline, and neck.

In addition, with this procedure the surgeons are

  • addressing issues that diet and exercise cannot.
  • making substantial changes with minimal scarring.


At ME Plastic Surgery, patient comfort is extremely important, therefore, the surgeons are always happy to answer their patients’ questions.

During this consultation Dr. Gabriele miotto or Dr. Felmont eaves wants to

  • find out why the patient would like to have a cervicoplasty or neck lift.
  • find out which medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins that patient takes on a regular basis.
  • know if the patient has allergies to any medications or latex.
  • discuss the patient’s overall health, including and any current medical conditions
  • examine the patient’s neck and chin.

If the patient is considered a good candidate for this procedure, the surgeon may

  • recommend procedures that can be performed during the same surgical session, these recommendations are based on the surgeon’s findings.
  • discuss specifics related to a cervicoplasty as well as any of the other procedures the patient is considering.

Personalized procedures

Since a cervicoplasty is used to correct several aesthetic issues, and every patient is unique, Dr. Miotto and Dr. Eaves create personalized surgical plans. Each of these plans is designed to cater to the needs of a specific patient.

A cervicoplasty is performed as outpatient surgery, which means that the patient goes home after his or her procedure.


The patient’s first stop is pre-op. While in this area, the patient is prepared for surgery. The surgeon may visit the patient to answer any last-minute questions as well as to make markings on the areas receiving treatment. These markings serve as a guide for the surgeon during the procedure.

Anesthesia is administered

A neck lift is usually performed while the patient is fully asleep (i.e., general anesthesia or deep sedation).

First: the surgeon removes excess fat

Liposuction is the first procedure the surgeon performs. Once the liposuction is complete, manual fat removal is performed.

Fat can be removed manually or with liposuction. The removal technique the surgeon uses depends on the location of the fat. When fat is located above the platysma muscle, liposuction can be used to remove it. However, when the fat is underneath the platysma muscle, it is surrounded by fibrous tissue, thus, requiring the surgeon to remove it manually.

Liposuction and manual fat removal incisions

To perform liposuction or remove fat manually, the surgeon creates three small incisions. One behind each ear and one on the bottom of the chin.

Next: the platysmaplasty

The separation of the platysma muscle causes two broad bands to form on each side of the neck. As time passes, this muscle stretches and presses against the skin, which creates rope-like vertical bands (aka cords) and softens the jawline. Also, these cords can contribute to the development of a turkey wattle.

The surgeon addresses neckbands by sewing each side of the platysma muscle together and then beneath the chin. Sometimes, to tighten the muscle even more, the surgeon removes part of the platysma muscle.

Platysmaplasty incisions – Small incisions are created around the patient’s ears and/or beneath the chin.

Now: the surgeon performs the neck lift

The loose skin on the neck frequently results due to a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen. Other contributors include weight loss and the natural aging process.

During a cervicoplasty, the surgeon reshapes the neck muscle, trims away the excess skin, lifts what remains into place, and tightens it with fine stitches. These stitches are visible and removable in 7-10 days.

The neck lift incision – This incision usually starts in front of the ear lobe, it then wraps down and around to just behind the ear, ending in the lower scalp. The incisions are closed with fine sutures in hidden areas, so the scars are not visible.

Through this incision, the surgeon sculpts or redistributes the fat from the neck and the jowls, repositions the tissue, and then tightens the platysma muscle.

Drains may be placed to provide an exit path for excess fluid and blood. Drains may help reduce fluid build-up after surgery and speed up recovery.

A short-scar neck lift

A short scar cervicoplasty is performed to improve the contour of a patient’s neck without skin removal. For this procedure, the surgeon creates an incision beneath the chin. Through this small incision, the surgeon modifies the underlying neck structure to create a smoother neck and a sharper jawline.

Post-operative restrictions

It is vital that patients follow the surgeon’s instructions in relation to restrictions. Disregarding these restrictions can negatively affect the patient’s results.

Patients must return to ME Plastic Surgery Atlanta for their follow-up appointment. At this appointment, Dr. Gabriele Miotto or Dr. Felmont Eaves ensures that the patient is healing as planned and there is no sign of infection.

Patients will most likely be able to return to work within 14 days of their neck lift, however, individuals whose careers require physical activity will need to wait longer to return to work (typically 21 days).

If patients participate in any type of sport or physically demanding activity, these activities must be avoided for at least 21 days, possibly longer.


Downtime after a cervicoplasty usually lasts about 2 weeks.

During the first week, patients should expect to have some inflammation and bruising at the sides and front of the neck. Additionally, patients may have bruises along the jawline and around the ear. Make-up and a scarf usually camouflage this initial bruising quite well.

Although a neck lift is not painful, patients will experience some mild discomfort, including a feeling of tightness and numbness in the neck and face. These symptoms can last for several days or a few weeks.

It is the normal post-surgical inflammation and bruising that usually causes the discomfort patients experience. These issues can be addressed with ice, anti-inflammatory medications, and recommended supplements.

To ensure patient safety, the surgeons at ME Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, require that patients ask a responsible adult to remain with them for 24 hours after their procedure. Patients must choose an adult who can assist them with walking because patients who have neck lifts may experience balance problems and impaired judgment.

Physical activity that will raise the blood pressure or heart rate needs to be avoided for at least 2 weeks after surgery.

After 2-3 weeks most patients can safely resume sexual activity.

Patients who have questions about activities should call ME Plastic Surgery at (404) 850-5851 to speak with a medical professional.

Despite the need to avoid activities that increase the heart rate or raise the blood pressure, patients still need to remain active, therefore, bed rest should be avoided. Patients can remain active by walking at a normal pace. Besides helping the patient feel better, frequent walking decreases the likelihood of post-operative blood clot formation, which can be associated with the use of general anesthesia.

Before leaving the recovery room, patients receive instructions detailing how they should clean their incisions.

After 24 hours, patients can shower and gently clean their incisions, scrubbing the incisions is not recommended. However, allowing soapy water to run over these sites is fine.

Until all the patient’s wounds have healed, which usually takes about 3 weeks, he or she should avoid baths, swimming, or any other activity that involves becoming submerged in water.

Lotions should not be applied to the surgical sites for at least 2 weeks.

Within a week of surgery, patients usually know their limitations and can determine their comfort level while they participate in daily activities.

What to expect

The ultimate goal of aesthetic surgery is not necessarily to achieve perfection but to improve an individual’s appearance. At ME Plastic Surgery, after a patient’s procedure, he or she is closely monitored. This monitoring allows Dr. Miotto and Dr. Eaves to ensure that the patient’s surgical sites are healing well, and there is no sign of infection.

At the 12-week mark, a patient’s results are mostly permanent, however, there will be subtle changes in the healing process, including inflammation. The scars resulting from the surgery continue improving for up to 12 months.

It is vital that patients keep the lines of communication open with their surgeon and dedicate themselves to attending their follow-up visits.

At ME Plastic Surgery, pre-surgical and several post-surgical pictures are taken. These photos are used for comparison purposes.

Preparing for a cervicoplasty

When general anesthesia is used, the nervous system is directly affected, which is why Dr. Gabriele Miotto and Dr. Felmont Eaves insist that patients bring a driver with them on the day of their procedure and have a caretaker stay with them for at least 24 hours following surgery.

The pre-operative recommendations

Since alcohol promotes inflammation, patients need to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 7 days before their plastic surgery procedure.

For 7 days before surgery, in order to reduce the likelihood of excess bleeding, patients need to avoid certain medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins.

Products to avoid for at least 7 days include

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Commonly used NSAIDs include Motrin, Aleve, and ibuprofen.
  • aspirin, however, if aspirin is prescribed by a primary care physician or cardiologist, the patient needs to call the office at (404) 850-5851.

If the patient needs a pain reliever during this time, he or she can take acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol).

For at least 10 days before surgery, patients need to avoid taking

  • Fish Oils.
  • Feverfew.
  • St. John’s Wort.
  • Licorice.
  • Ephedra/Phentermine.
  • Ginkgo Biloba.
  • Saw Palmetto.
  • Garlic.
  • Kava-Kava.
  • Echinacea.
  • Valerian.
  • Goldenseal.
  • Vitamin E.

After surgery, patients might be prescribed medications and supplements. These medications and supplements may assist with speeding up the recovery process or decreasing the discomfort experienced as the body heals.

Patients who smoke need to discontinue smoking at least 4 weeks before their plastic surgery procedure and 4 weeks after. In addition, patients need to avoid using smoking cessation products such as nicotine patches, gum, etc. It is the nicotine in cigarettes that negatively affects the body’s natural healing process. Patients who continue smoking increase their risk of experiencing an infection, poor wound healing, tissue death, and open wounds. Furthermore, smoking speeds up the natural aging process.

Eat healthily and continue exercising up until the day of surgery.

Take from 10 to 14 days off work. Patients whose job requires physical activity should take about 21 days off.

Patients who have small children will need assistance caring for them. They should ask someone they trust to watch them for at least a few days following surgery. Also, patients should ask someone to care for their animals at a different location for a few days.

Create an at-home recovery area.

At home recovery tips

Many patients choose to recover in their living room. Especially if they have a recliner. Despite the location of choice, having a table within easy reach that has the following items on it is recommended.

The at-home recovery area needs to have

  • Paper towels.
  • Facial tissues.
  • A small cooler or insulated bag with ice packs inside.
  • Cloth towels to wrap the ice packs in.
  • Gauze.
  • A thermometer.
  • Antibacterial ointment and petroleum jelly.
  • Any remote controls that will be needed while recovering.
  • Baby wipes.
  • Medications and supplements.
  • Water.
  • The home phone and mobile phone. Both within easy reach (be sure to have the mobile phone charger).

Other items:

  • Several comfortable button-down tops (so the patient will not need to pull the shirt down over his or her head).
  • Comfortable pairs of pants/shorts.
  • Sandal slippers.
  • Extra pillows.
  • A garbage can.
  • Anything else the patient thinks he or she may need.

Common side effects that can last for several weeks following a neck lift include

  • Inflammation.
  • Bruising.
  • A tingling sensation or a feeling of tightness.
  • Numbness.
  • A burning or pulling sensation.

Potential complications

Following any surgical procedure, there is the potential, although very rare, for an infection to develop. For this reason, follow the postoperative directions by Dr. Miotto or Dr. Eaves. Should a fever develop or any kind of discharge start seeping from the surgical sites, patients need to contact ME Plastic Surgery at (404) 850-5851 right away.

Possible complications and risks associated with a neck lift include

  • Visible scarring.
  • Hair loss in the area that runs along the incisions.
  • Skin loss, discoloration, or a puckering of the skin.
  • Ongoing numbness.
  • Tissue death.
  • Hematoma (blood collection under the skin).
  • The need for another surgery.
  • Dissatisfaction with the results.

Neck lift benefits

At Me Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, Dr. Gabriele Miotto uses some of the most advanced neck lift techniques to improve the aesthetics of a patient’s lower face and neck region. The techniques that Dr. Miotto uses for the neck lift procedure offer her patients a shorter recovery period. In addition, as an experienced facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Gabriele Miotto’s skill allows her to provide patients with natural-looking results. Furthermore, Dr. Miotto makes her incisions in areas that will camouflage any resulting scars well.

Cervicoplasty benefits

  • A safe and effective way to rejuvenate the lower section of the face and neck region.
  • A swift recovery.
  • The reduction or elimination of undesirable neck characteristics (e.g., turkey neck, neckbands).
  • Double or triple chin correction.
  • A better-defined jawline.

A neck lift explained

Cervicoplasty procedures are performed as outpatient surgery. Since the patient receives anesthesia and returns home directly following surgery, he or she needs to bring a licensed driver on the day of surgery. In addition, a responsible adult must remain with the patient for at least 24 hours after surgery.

At ME Plastic Surgery, each patient receives a custom-designed surgical treatment plan. Therefore, procedure steps depend on which issues Dr. Miotto is addressing.

During their cervicoplasty, patients receive general anesthesia.

When a patient has fat in the neck, Dr. Gabriele Miotto removes this first. Then, if necessary, she addresses a loose platysma muscle.

When Dr. Miotto is performing a vertical neck lift, she repositions the patient’s fascia and platysma muscle by lifting them upward, as opposed to pulling the neck sideways.

The vertical neck lift offers patients longer-lasting results than can be achieved with traditional neck lift surgery. The results of a vertical neck lift last longer because the surgeon lifts the platysma muscle during this revolutionary procedure. Repositioning the platysma muscle in this way provides durability, a durability that is not present following a traditional cervicoplasty.

Dr. Gabriele Miotto closes the incisions with fine sutures. Therefore, initially, the incision location is visible. However, following suture removal, the incision location is barely visible.

Cervicoplasty preperation

To prevent complications and increase the likelihood of achieving optimal results, Dr. Miotto provides instructions for her patients to follow before their surgical procedures.

For 10 days before their neck lift procedure, patients need to discontinue taking Phentermine and vitamin E. Patients must avoid taking a variety of herbal supplements during this 10-day timeframe as well.

Herbal supplements patients need to avoid include

  • Valerian.
  • St. John’s Wort.
  • Licorice.
  • Kava-Kava.
  • Echinacea.
  • Ephedra.
  • Goldenseal.
  • Garlic.

For 7 to 10 days before surgery, patients have to stop taking aspirin. Patients with questions related to other medications, as well as those who are on an aspirin regimen prescribed by their primary care physician or cardiologist, should discuss these topics with Dr. Gabriele Miotto at least 10 days before their scheduled cervicoplasty.

Stop taking certain medications

For 5 days before surgery, patients must discontinue using non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., Motrin, Aleve). If, during this timeframe, the patient has to take medication to relieve pain, he or she can take acetaminophen (aka Tylenol).

Discontinue alcohol consumption

Alcohol increases inflammation, which is why patients need to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 7 days before surgery.

Stop smoking nicotine

For at least 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after surgery, patients must refrain from smoking or taking any type of smoking cessation product that contains nicotine. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it causes the blood vessels to narrow. This constriction inhibits blood flow throughout the body. For this reason, smoking increases the likelihood of certain complications.

Potential complications include

  • Wounds that do not heal or heal slowly.
  • Necrosis (i.e., tissue death).
  • The development of an infection.

Another negative aspect of smoking is its ability to cause the premature development of the visible signs of aging.

Does Dr. Miotto perform any other procedures during a neck lift?

Yes, some patients are eligible to have multiple procedures during the same surgical session. Eligibility depends on the patient’s anatomy and health status.

Other procedures that Dr. Gabriele miotto frequently performs during a neck lift include

  • Liposuction.
  • Skin tightening.
  • A facelift.
  • A lip lift.
  • A brow lift.
  • An eyelid lift.
  • Submandibular gland reduction.
  • Facial fat grafting.
  • A chemical peel for skin resurfacing.
  • A complete facelift.

During the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Miotto determines which procedures would provide the patient with optimal results. These recommendations will help the patient choose the procedure that addresses his or her aesthetic concerns best.

Camouflaged scarring

As a skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Gabriele Miotto creates incisions in areas of the neck that will camouflage them well. Her attention to detail while closing incisions also helps decrease the visibility of the resulting scar. After about six months, the scar is nearly invisible. Therefore, once the initial healing process is complete, the incision location should be almost undetectable.


Patients who have a cervicoplasty should expect to experience inflammation, as well as some degree of bruising at the sides and in the front of the neck. Bruising may also be present along the patient’s jawline and around his or her ear.

These side effects typically resolve within a week. Nonetheless, patients can hide this bruising with makeup and by wearing a scarf. Most patients are ready to return to their normal routine about 2 or 3 weeks after their surgery.

Patients who have multiple procedures during a single surgical session may have a longer recovery time and additional side effects following surgery. Dr. Miotto will inform the patient what he or she can expect after a surgical session that includes multiple surgeries.

Suture removal

Patients return to ME Plastic Surgery to have their sutures removed at some point between 7 and 10 days of surgery.

Reinstating a daily routine

Most patients are ready to return to their daily activities within 3 weeks of their procedure. However, if a patient has a major social event, he or she needs to have at least 8 weeks of recovery beforehand. This recovery time is essential because residual swelling may remain up until the patient reaches this point in his or her recovery. Each patient is unique, which is why Dr. Miotto is unable to predict which patients will experience the most inflammation and bruising.

Bathing restrictions

Patients can take a shower 24 hours after surgery, cleaning the incisions according to instructions provided at ME Plastic Surgery. Some patients will only run soapy water over their incisions.

Patients must wait at least 3 weeks before submerging themselves into any form of water (e.g., tub, pool, lake).

For 2 weeks, patients must avoid using lotion on their surgical sites. However, patients can use moisturizer on the areas of the body that are not within the surgical area.

Back to work

Most patients can return to work within 2 weeks of their neck lift. Factors affecting an individual’s ability to return to work include the level of activity his or her position requires, as well as where the patient is in the recovery process. For example, a patient that still has visible bruising or limitations that impact his or her ability to meet the responsibilities at work may need to wait longer before returning.


The true results of a neck lift may take several months to become apparent. However, for the most part, after 12 weeks, patients can expect their results to be permanent. Nonetheless, there may be slight changes in inflammation and healing. These slight changes can continue up to a year.

Are there any risks associated with the neck lift procedure?

Despite the type of surgical procedure, there are always risks. The best way a patient can avoid complications is to choose an experienced facial plastic surgeon to perform the cervicoplasty.

Potential risks and complications include

  • Skin puckering.
  • Visible scarring.
  • Necrosis.
  • Continued numbness.
  • Skin loss or discoloration.
  • Hair loss at the incision locations.
  • Unsatisfactory results.
  • Blood collection beneath the skin.
  • The need for a revision.

Dr. Gabriele C. Miotto is a Brazillian-American plastic surgeon specialized in aesthetic surgery and minimally invasive procedures, specially of the face, eyes, nose, breast and liposuction. Call (404) 850-5851 for your consultation.


How much inflammation and bruising should I expect after a neck lift and neck liposuction?

After a neck lift, patients usually have bruising and swelling along the neck, sometimes when we’re treating jowls or when we need to reshape the jawline, they also have bruising and swelling around and along the jawline. So that usually lasts for seven to 10 days and then after that, if there is any residual swelling and bruising, it goes slowly down for the next two to four weeks. So it’s also easily coverable with a turtleneck or with a shawl around the neck or with makeup. So most patients will see that for seven to 10 days, the intense part, and up to two weeks, a little lighter bruising and swelling.

How painful is a neck lift?

A neck lift is not a painful surgery, the recovery is usually very easy, the patients do feel tightness, though. They feel that the neck is tight and there’s a little bit of pressure. Some patients feel a little bit of numbness and maybe a little bit of shooting discomfort, shooting pain in the ear lobes for a few weeks, but it’s very manageable. Anti-inflammatories and acetaminophen is usually all it takes to improve the discomfort. So I don’t ever see a patient really feeling a lot of pain. But we do have medication if necessary, and that usually is taken the first week or so after surgery.

When can I drive after necklift surgery?

Driving after a neck lift surgery depends on the patients. If the patients have a minor neck lift, so a small area where we don’t need to do a lot of treatment under the chin, usually they can drive a week after surgery, but most patients will be able to drive comfortably two weeks after surgery because we try to avoid the side to side movement of the neck, so we don’t have sheering of all the skin and the muscles that were detached so we heal well in place and we don’t have extra bruising and swelling. So I would say between one and two weeks.

When can I go back to the gym after a neck lift?

Going back to the gym after plastic surgery is usually dependable on the type of procedure. For a neck lift, depending on how much undermining, how much work we need to do in the neck, an average is two to three weeks after surgery. And we always recommend that the patient start slowly and then progress this to their level of intensity before surgery around four weeks after the procedure. Sometimes we need more extensive work in the neck and lower face, and then we would just stay four weeks out of intense activities after surgery.

Will I have visible scars after a necklift?

The scars for a neck lift is very hidden under the chin and around the ear. So they are visible, of course, right after surgery and for a few weeks, and they become red initially, then after three to four months, they start becoming white. So it is visible in the beginning, but once the patient heals at three months, it’s very imperceptible and actually most of them very hidden. You need to get very close to the incision to see it.

What causes the changes that a neck lift?

The factors responsible for causing the changes in the neck vary. As the face ages, the fat pads located underneath the platysma muscle in the neck, and the muscle itself, lose the support the face previously provided. Therefore, the skin of the neck begins to sag. However, there are additional factors that affect the aesthetics of the neck region.

Changes in the lower face and neck region can also result from:

– Extreme weight loss.
– Hereditary factors.

As an experienced facial plastic surgeon in Atlanta, Dr. Gabriele Miotto performs neck lift surgery to help men and women in the area attain the more youthful look they desire.

Who should consider a neck lift?

Men and women who are in good physical and mental health may be good candidates for a cervicoplasty.

During the patient’s initial consultation, Dr. Miotto will discuss the projected outcome of a neck lift; however, the patient must have feasible expectations in relation to the results a cervicoplasty can provide.

Potential patients are encouraged to create a list of questions to bring with them on the day of their initial consultation. Dr. Gabriele Miotto believes that when a patient is having a neck lift and knows what to expect, he or she will feel more comfortable and confident on the day of surgery.

How is a neck lift surgery performed?

A neck lift is performed under general anesthesia or sedation to improve the signs of aging on the neck. We can combine several techniques in a neck lift depending on the patient’s anatomy, such as liposuction, platysmaplasty, treatment of the deep neck structure such as digastric muscles and submandibular glands, and skin tightening. Usually the treatment of the neck improves the jawline contour.

Do I need to have a complete facelift if I just want a neck lift?

No, it is absolutely possible to have only a neck lift surgery without a facelift surgery. It depends on the patient’s anatomy, but a neck lift without facelift is performed frequently. A neck lift is also part of the complete facelift procedure. Some patients would benefit more from a complete facelift if they also have significant aging in the cheeks, deep creases in the face or loss of facial volume.

If you think you might be a good candidate for a neck lift, combined or not with improvements to the face, nose, eyelids and lips, an in-person consultation is a good way of finding specific information that will benefit you and your individual needs.

A complete facelift includes:
– Facelift to lift the cheeks, the corners of the mouth, improve deep wrinkles in the face
– Neck lift and platysmaplasty to neck bands
Fat grafting to the face to improve facial highlights and loss of volume

Will others see my neck lift incisions?

No, the neck lift incisions should not be visible after the initial healing process. When the closure is made correctly and with attention to detail, the incisions are hidden under the chin and/or around the ear. Scars will be virtually invisible six months after surgery.

How long is the recovery time?

The average downtime is usually 2 weeks after surgery. When we focus only on the neck, it is also very easy to hide any signs of surgery. In the first week the patient typically has some degree of bruising and swelling at the front and sides of the neck. Patients might also have bruising around the ear and along the jawline. Make-up and a scarf can be used to cover the initial bruising.

After surgery what should I do for my skin?

A neck lift does not stop the aging process, but it can make the neck appear younger or give the neck a fresh look. We offer a number of skin treatments and products to help maintain the results long-term, including maintaining and improving the texture of the skin, fine lines and skin thinning. A healthy lifestyle is also a part of the maintenance of any cosmetic procedure.

How can I get started to learn more?

If you are interested in discussing a neck lift, or any other facial rejuvenation procedure, it would be my pleasure to see you in the office for an in-person consultation. We can talk about what you want to achieve, go over the specific areas you are looking to improve, and I will answer any questions you have.

How much does a neck lift in Atlanta cost?

As each patient is unique, so is his or her cervicoplasty procedure. Therefore, the only way Dr. Gabriele Miotto or Dr. Felmont Eaves can determine how much an individual’s neck lift will cost is with an initial consultation.

Will health insurance pay for a cervicoplasty?

When a neck lift is being performed strictly for cosmetic reasons, health insurance does not cover any of the charges associated with this procedure.

If a cervicoplasty is being performed to correct a medical condition, patients need to contact their health insurance company before scheduling a neck lift. Chances are that the insurance will want a letter detailing why a cervicoplasty is medically necessary.

Individuals who reside in the Atlanta area and are considering a neck lift should contact ME Plastic Surgery at (404) 850-5851 today to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Gabriele Miotto or Dr. Felmont Eaves.

Dr. Miotto and Dr. Eaves are experienced plastic surgeons who are dedicated to providing each patient with a custom-designed surgical plan that caters to his or her aesthetic goals. ME Plastic Surgery, 3200 Downwood Circle NW, Suite 640, Atlanta.

Is neck lift surgery painful?

Patients remain asleep during their procedure. Upon awakening, the patient should expect to have a tight feeling and mild discomfort in the face and neck. This discomfort results from the inflammation and bruising that is present during the recovery period. These symptoms can remain from a few days, to a few weeks. However, Dr. Miotto treats this discomfort with medications, supplementation and ice packs.

Plastic surgery through a woman’s eye

Dr. Gabriele Miotto, Atlanta plastic surgeon known for her beautiful and natural results and high patient satisfaction.

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