How long until I can go to the gym after a lower eyelid surgery?

How long until I can go to the gym after a lower eyelid surgery?

After a lower eyelid surgery, going to the gym it’s usually a, an activity that’s called an intense activity, unless patients are just walking lightly on the treadmill. So, every activity that increases the blood pressure and can cause pressure and bleeding, we would refrain from doing after surgery. So, usually two to three weeks after an eyelid surgery is the ideal time to maintain some rest. You can walk, you can do light activities, but going to the gym lifting weights, doing a very intense cardio workout is not recommended. Because we can’t have bleeding up to two weeks after surgery around the eyes, and that’s not a good thing for the patient and for me. Because we actually can affect the results in a negative way, So, just three two to three weeks just planning ahead and just doing light activities. Thank you.

For more, visit our Eyelid Surgery page or just call us at (404) 850-5851.

👩‍⚕️ Dr. Gabriele Miotto
☎️ (404) 850-5851
📍 Atlanta, GA

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